I have never felt stronger about independence until I took a leap and United Airlines 2,360 miles and planted myself in Los Angeles, California from the small town of Boyertown, Pennsylvania. Do not get me wrong, I have always felt myself to be self-sufficient and independent: started working when I was 14 years old, relied on myself to carry my own burden of emotions as well as help others push through their own. However, independence took on an entirely new meaning for me when I learned to build a new life for myself, completely starting over. It’s amazing to me that I hear “I can’t believe you did that.. you’re so brave!... good for you... I could never do that”. I literally just think to myself: ‘well why not?’ I honestly believe that more people should do it. Yes, I am talking to the young souls who feel trapped in the circumstances that they find themselves simply because comfort and fear hinder them from reaching out. However, I see too many people unhappy in the predicament...